
Love-Workshops in Munich.

A innovative concept.

Why do you travel?

Why do you travel? Do you want to relax, unwind, have time for you and your favourite person? Do you want to discover something new or to be inspired? Do you want to give yourself a treat?

My love workshops address all these needs.

Why "now" is the perfect time for a love workshop? Don't you also prefer to take a holiday before you have a burn-out? See, that's what I'm saying.

Workshops for couples

A workshop for couples who want to rediscover and develop together. For enthusiasts who seek a brave, refreshing date. For romantics, for whom relationship means value. For epicureans who are not afraid of intimacy, self-love and responsibility. For movers and shakers who create modern, loving and authentic relationships.

If it is still in your mind, it is worth taking the risk.
— Paulo Coelho

What you will take home from a workshop?


A steady hand on the tiller.

You get practical tips and concrete options for action in everyday life. In various exercises, you will learn how to manoeuvre your relationship through difficult times and navigate to beautiful places.


Anchors Aweigh.

180 minutes in selected and exciting locations are a good starting point to sail to new adventures. Plus, the atmosphere is sociable, intimate and exclusive, inviting seven couples at max.


Take a vacation.

Get inspired and relax with crisp inputs from me as a love expert. Besides, the weather forecasts are sunny: the focus is on your resources and how you can use your potential even more.

Upcoming events

Costs of a love-workshop

A love workshop lasts more than 180 minutes. Your investment in a happier love life: 189 € per couple.

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